Internet (English)

Posted by Nicki Hermanto Putro On Thursday, 17 January 2008 0 komentar
On Thursday, the January, 2008-17
the Internet
From Wikipedia Indonesia, the encyclopaedia free to speak Indonesia.

Literally, the internet (the abbreviation than words 'inter-network') was the series of the computer that berhubung penetrated several series.
Whenever the Internet (the 'I' letter big) was the system of the public's computer, that berhubung globally and used TCP/IP as exchange protocol of the package (packet switching communication protocol).
The series of the biggest internet was named the Internet.
The method connected the series with these rules was named internetworking.

The Internet emergence
The series of the centre that formed the Internet was preceeded during 1969 as ARPANET, that was built by ARPA (United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).
Some preliminary investigation that was contributed by ARPANET including the rules of the series without-centre (decentralised network), the theory queueing, and the rules of the exchange of the package (packet switching).
On January 01 1983, ARPANET exchanged series protocol of his centre, from NCP to TCP/IP. Ini was the beginning of the Internet that is known by us today.
In around the 1990 's, the Internet developed and put most users of networks of the available computer through.

The internet at this time
The internet was guarded by the agreement bi- or multilateral and the specification teknikal (protocol that explained about the move of the data between the series).
These protocols were formed was based on Engineering Task Force Internet discussions (IETF), that was open to the public.
This body issued the document that was known as RFC (Request for Comments).
Some of the RFC was made the Standard of the Internet (the Standard Internet), by the Arsitektur Internet Body (the Architecture Board Internet - IAB).
Internet protocols that often were used were like, IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, PPP, SLIP, ICMP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, FTP, LDAP, and SSL.
Several popular services in the internet that used protocol above, was the email/surat elektronik, Usenet, Newsgroup, the consortium file (File Sharing), WWW (World Wide Web), Gopher, session access (Session Access), WAIS, finger, IRC, MUD, and MUSH. Di Antara all this, the email/surat elektronik and World Wide Web more often was used, and more services that were developed were based on him, like milis (Mailing List) and Weblog.
The internet enabled the existence of the latest service (Real-time service), like web radio, and webcast, that could be accessed all over the world.
Moreover through the internet was enabled to berkonikasi directly between two users or more through the program the sender the instant message like Camfrog, Pidgin (Gaim), Trilian, Kopete, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger.
Several popular Internet services that were based on the system were closed (Proprietary System), was like IRC, ICQ, AIM, CDDB, and Gnutella.


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